Nuclear Security

2017 in Review: The Nuclear Landscape
The past 12 months were proof that the threat of nuclear weapons persist in the post Cold War world.

Gorbachev: A Voice of Sanity from a Past that Has Become a Foreign Country
Gorbachev’s plea for a summit to restore US–Russia relations to normalcy is a rare triumph for diplomacy over warmongering.

North Korea is the Litmus Test for a Nuclear Weapons Ban
A UN negotiating conference has just adopted a treaty banning nuclear weapons. Will this influence North Korea? And, if not, what’s the point?

How a Regional Nuclear-Free-Weapon Zone Can Benefit Japan
A regional NWFZ can be used to quarantine a zone from the real risks of nuclear war. Japan stands to gain numerous benefits should their government actively promote the creation of one.

The Asia-Pacific Nuclear Governance Architecture Part II
Nuclear governance requires tweaking to fit regional needs and expectations, and our current systems are nowhere near close to realizing their full potential.

The Asia-Pacific Nuclear Governance Architecture Part I
In this two-part study, Trevor Findlay explores the need for peaceful uses of nuclear energy in the Asia-Pacific. In Pt. I: growing demand for nuclear-generated electricity in the region by year 2030.

Nuclear-Free New Zealand Turns 30
The 1987 nuclear-free act was a milestone in New Zealand’s development as a nation.

Asia Presents the Biggest Challenge to Global Nuclear Orders
Of all the continents, Asia presents the most complex and the most urgent challenges to the uneasy nuclear peace that has prevailed since 1945.

APLN Co-Convenors’ Press Release: An Appeal for a New Start to Addressing Nuclear Threats
The annual meeting of the APLN convened this week in Jeju, ROK, against the backdrop of looming nuclear threats and heightened levels of regional uncertainty.

7th Annual Meeting
The APLN convened in Jeju against looming nuclear threats, heightened levels of regional uncertainty, and the draft publication of a UN convention to prohibit the acquisition of nuclear weapons.