Arms Control

Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization
Nine APLN members and staff will participate in a symposium on December 6 and 7 to discuss potential measures that civil society and governments can take to prevent nuclear war escalation.

What Trump’s Return Means for U.S.-China Relations
THE CARTER CENTER - APLN member Tong Zhao writes on what Trump’s election means for nuclear policy between the United States and China.

What is Driving China’s Changing Nuclear Policy?
THE DSR NETWORK - APLN member Tong Zhao discussed China’s evolving nuclear policy in a podcast with Jon Wolfsthal.

Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy vs. Nuclear Armament: Two Paths That Cannot Be Taken ...
EKN NEWS - APLN member Eunjung Lim argues that while there is growing public support in South Korea for nuclear armament, pursuing such a path would have severe international consequences.

Bomb Survivors’ Nobel Prize a Reminder to World on Edge of Nuclear War
SCMP - APLN member C Uday Bhaskar emphasises that we cannot afford to forget the catastrophe unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as the world lurches towards nuclear conflict.

China’s Evolving Nuclear Policy: What It Means for U.S. Security and International ...
CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - APLN member Tong Zhao discussed China’s evolving nuclear policy and the internal dynamics driving its recent strategic shifts.

Nuclear Stability in the 21st Century
ARI - APLN member Rakesh Sood argues that a doctrinal shift toward no-first-use and the implementation of technical measures for de-alerting can go a long way in mitigating growing nuclear risks.

Urgent Tasks for Nuclear Disarmament
Abe Nobuyasu reflects on the progress and challenges in nuclear disarmament since the first UN resolution in 1946, and the urgency of extending New START.

25 Years After It Was Drafted, Why India's Nuclear Doctrine Still Remains Relevant
THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi writes on India's nuclear doctrine.

What if South Korea Got a Nuclear Bomb?
THE ECONOMIST - APLN member Lee Sang-Hyun quoted in The Economist, where he commented on the debate over South Korea's nuclear option.