Nuclear Disarmament

Nuclear Arms Control Architecture on Life Support
Kim Won-soo urges the N-5, umbrella states, and civil society to take immediate steps to rebuild trust and bolster the global nuclear disarmament and arms control framework ahead of 2026, with the ...

Hibakusha's Call: Japan and the TPNW
Kazuko Ito argues that Japan, as the only country to have suffered from nuclear warfare, must take a leading role in preventing nuclear war and achieving a nuclear-free world by joining the TPNW, ...

A United Voice Against Nuclear Weapons
Melissa Parke warns of the growing nuclear threat, stressing the urgency of disarmament, the critical role of the TPNW in countering proliferation, and the need for strong political leadership to ...

Toward a New High-Level Disarmament Initiative
Tanya Ogilvie-White underscores that Nihon Hidankyo's Nobel Peace Prize win serves as a stark reminder of the escalating nuclear risks and the urgent need for bold disarmament leadership, inspired by ...

Mongolia’s Nuclear Experience: Expanding a National Initiative to Strengthen the ...
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan argues that Mongolia's rich experience should serve as a tool to strengthen and further broaden the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone regime.

Nuclear War in Northeast Asia?: Early Warnings, Risk Reduction, and Denuclearization
Nine APLN members and staff will participate in a symposium on December 6 and 7 to discuss potential measures that civil society and governments can take to prevent nuclear war escalation.

Regional Perspectives on Nuclear Armament in South Korea
The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network (APLN) organised a roundtable with experts to discuss regional views of the South Korean nuclear armament debate.

Bomb Survivors’ Nobel Prize a Reminder to World on Edge of Nuclear War
SCMP - APLN member C Uday Bhaskar emphasises that we cannot afford to forget the catastrophe unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as the world lurches towards nuclear conflict.

APLN Chair's Statement on the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the Japan Confederation ...
APLN Chair Dr Marty Natalegawa greets the Nihon Hidankyo organisation on being awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize.

Nuclear Stability in the 21st Century
ARI - APLN member Rakesh Sood argues that a doctrinal shift toward no-first-use and the implementation of technical measures for de-alerting can go a long way in mitigating growing nuclear risks.