Nuclear Security

Nuclear Arms Control: A Realistic Global Agenda
Gareth Evans emphasizes the need to re-energize both the nuclear nonproliferation and the nuclear disarmament agenda in a manner that could be embraced by all relevant players.

Bringing the UN Disarmament Machinery Back to Life
John Page examines the deadlocked Conference on Disarmament (CD) and explores alternative disarmament agreements.

Improving Nuclear Security Governance in the Asia-Pacific
John Carlson discusses the shortcomings of current international nuclear security arrangements and provides recommendations on what needs to be done.

Why Nuclear Weapons Must Be Eliminated
Gareth Evans discusses the humanitarian, strategic, and financial arguments against nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Weapons: The Opportunity Costs
John Page and Ramesh Thakur argue that the economic cost of nuclear weapons far exceeds its claimed benefits.

Asia Pacific Leaders Deplore Loss of Political Will on Disarmament
"The nuclear-armed states – led by the U.S. and Russia, who between them possess 95 per cent of the world‟s nuclear weapons – must get serious about their disarmament commitments."

Statement on Nuclear Security
The international interest for national activities to be managed effectively is indisputable. This is just as true for nuclear security as it is for nuclear safety.

Media Release - Asia Pacific Leaders Call for Nuclear Disarmament
Over thirty leaders from fourteen Asia Pacific countries have signed a joint statement strongly supporting a nuclear weapons free world, and calling on policymakers to “get serious."