15th International Day against Nuclear Tests
APLN observes the 15th year of the International Day against Nuclear Tests by asking experts whether new nuclear weapon tests remain an actual possibility in the current strategic environment.
A Glimmer of Hope for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Michiru Nishida explores the successes and challenges of the recent NPT PrepCom, questioning whether the efforts and will of States Parties amidst a challenging international geopolitical situation ...
Logic (or Illogic?) of Japan’s Aversion to TPNW and Charting a Path Forward
JPAND - APLN Senior Research Adviser Michiru Nishida wrote on Japan’s position on the TPNW.
Why South Korea Should Embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Melissa Parke highlights the significance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in advancing global nuclear disarmament, urging South Korea to reconsider its position and ...
The Political Reckoning in a Post-Nuclear Use Landscape
Rabia Akhtar provides a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted challenges posed by nuclear weapons in Northeast Asia and offers valuable insights for crafting a more secure global environment.
The Political Reckoning in a Post-Nuclear Use Landscape
Rabia Akhtar provides a comprehensive analysis of the multifaceted challenges posed by nuclear weapons in Northeast Asia and offers valuable insights for crafting a more secure global environment.
The Third Nuclear Age in Southeast Asia
Andrew Futter and Felicia Yuwono share insights on what moving into the "Third Nuclear Age" means for Southeast Asia.
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Victim Assistance and Environmental ...
This Special Report sheds light on the benefits and challenges related to victim assistance and environmental remediation in the Pacific.
Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Victim Assistance and Environmental ...
This Special Report sheds light on the benefits and challenges related to victim assistance and environmental remediation in the Pacific.
Nuclear Weapons Don’t Belong on Our Planet
JOURNAL FOR PEACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - APLN member Melissa Parke appeals to the Japanese government to sign the TPNW and underscores the need for better education about nuclear weapons.