Asia Pacific New Voices
APLN funds and hosts programs involving next generation experts in efforts to cultivate new voices and experts in the Asia-Pacific. Programs include the KAIST-NEREC Summer Fellows Program, the APLN-Korea Times Essay Writing Contest, the Asia-Pacific Young Leaders Forum and more.

KAIST NEREC Program 2022
Details about KAIST NEREC 2022 hosted by APLN's partner organization Nuclear Nonproliferation Education and Research Center (NEREC) of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

Communicating Peace
Philip Chennery argues that the climate crisis demonstrates the willingness of states to establish cooperation internationally, therefore this could be applied to nuclear disarmament.

The AUKUS nuclear submarine deal: evident harms and future-proof solutions
Sang-ou Lee voices concern about the AUKUS deal and Australia's ability to safely handle nuclear submarines, they then provide relevant measures to combat any crisis's that may arise.

The Arms Race on the Korean Peninsula is increasing the risk of South Korean proliferation
Dustin Edward Hinkley provides four constructive solutions to control or disrupt the current nuclear arms race on the Korean peninsula.

The Ethical Dilemma of Nuclear Weapons
Miriam Astrid Rieback argues that concern for nuclear weapons is justified, however states often play by different rules depending on their ranking comparatively to other states.

Data Driven Disarmament
Jamie Withorne argues that with advancing technologies there will limitless possibilities for rising actors to largely shape upcoming nuclear policy from destruction to disarmament.

A New Framework for Cooperative Threat Reduction with North Korea
Yoon-ki Lee argues that a broader multilateral approach is necessary in order to establish peace and lasting outcomes on the Korean peninsula.

The APLN – Korea Times Essay Contest 2021
APLN and the Korea Times co-hosted the annual essay contest to engage the youth on topics of International Nuclear Governance and Emerging Nuclear Trends.

Interview with KAIST-NEREC Summer Fellow Yoonki Lee
Yoonki Lee shares about his experiences at the 2021 KAIST-NEREC Summer Fellow Program, co-sponsored by APLN.

APLN and KAIST-NEREC Summer Fellows Program 2021
APLN supports the KAIST-NEREC Summer Fellows Program, an intensive short-term education and training course on nuclear non-proliferation.