Coming to Terms with North Korea’s Nuclear Strength
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in co-wrote an article with Kim Jungsup on the security situation on the Korean peninsula.
The DPRK’s Changed Nuclear Doctrine: Factors and Implications
JOURNAL FOR PEACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - APLN member Cheong Wooksik argues that a new approach is required to resolve the Korean Peninsula issue, citing the nuclear weapons-free zone as an example.
South Korea and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Lee Sang Hyun explains how South Korea's perceptions of strategic risks inform its attitude towards nuclear weapons and the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
South Korea and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Lee Sang Hyun explains how South Korea's perceptions of strategic risks inform its attitude towards nuclear weapons and the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
North Korea’s Nuclear Use Doctrine
Salma Shaheen breaks down North Korea's new nuclear weapons use law and shows how the law dangerously escalates tensions.
Rethinking Arms Control with a Nuclear North Korea
SURVIVAL: GLOBAL POLITICS AND STRATEGY - APLN member Jina Kim co-published an article with Toby Dalton and discussed how policymakers should approach nuclear dangers on the Korean peninsula.
Security Cooperation Between South Korea and Japan Needs Strong Leadership
Eunjung Lim says that South Korea and Japan share a common goal of better security cooperation and must overcome mutual suspicions and animosity.
[Interview] Yoon’s Pursuit of Strong Security Mustn’t Cost Public’s Peace of Mind
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in, a noted expert in the field of international relations and peace affairs, shares his thoughts on where we’re headed in 2023 in an interview.
Japan’s New Strategic Direction
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on Japan’s new national security documents and Tokyo’s new strategic orientations.
(NU-NEA) Implications of the Ukraine War for ROK Security
Cheon Myeongguk explores the possible implications of the Ukraine conflict on the ROK attitudes regarding nuclear weapons.