70 Years After the Armistice, the Korean Peninsula Still Struggles for Peace
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that the U.S. and South Korea must prioritize a political-military dialogue with North Korea to defuse military tensions and reduce nuclear risks.
70 Years and Counting: The Path to Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Gabriela Bernal identifies the conflicts of interest between the stakeholders on the Korean Peninsula that prevent them from pursuing a peace agreement.
5th Anniversary of Singapore Summit: What’s Been Achieved and What’s Failed
Lee Sang Hyun writes on the deterioration of US-North Korea relations since the historic 2018 Singapore Summit, emphasizing the need for a multi-layered approach.
Appeal to New Approaches to the North Korea Problem
On June 15, APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in spoke at the Korea Europe Center (KEC) Human Security Forum, underlining the urgency of finding a new way to approach the North Korea problems.
The Washington Declaration: Old wine in a new bottle?
Jina Kim assesses whether the establishment of the US-ROK Nuclear Consultative Group will bring any qualitative change to the alliance.
Dissecting the Washington Declaration
Peter Hayes argues that the United States and its allies remain in strategic drift in Northeast Asia, and the risk of nuclear war is increasing with each day.
Why South Korea Shouldn’t Go Nuclear
ASIA TIMES - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in points out that if Seoul acquires nuclear arms, it would have a fatal impact on its survival, prosperity and prestige.
Coming to Terms with North Korea’s Nuclear Strength
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in co-wrote an article with Kim Jungsup on the security situation on the Korean peninsula.
The DPRK’s Changed Nuclear Doctrine: Factors and Implications
JOURNAL FOR PEACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT - APLN member Cheong Wooksik argues that a new approach is required to resolve the Korean Peninsula issue, citing the nuclear weapons-free zone as an example.
South Korea and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Lee Sang Hyun explains how South Korea's perceptions of strategic risks inform its attitude towards nuclear weapons and the nuclear non-proliferation regime.