Revisiting the Two-State System for Peaceful Coexistence on the Korean Peninsula
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that a system mitigating the competition for unification may promote peaceful coexistence between the two Koreas.

Sayo Saruta discusses how Russia and North Korea's relationship has evolved since last year's ROK-Japan-US Camp David Summit.

What the Russia-DPRK Relationship Reflects About the West’s Security Strategy
Sayo Saruta discusses how Russia and North Korea's relationship has evolved since last year's ROK-Japan-US Camp David Summit.

Kissinger Shared His Advice on the Korean Peninsula Issue
SISAIN NEWS - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in recalled his meeting with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

For There to Be No Third War, We Need to Mitigate Crisis on Korean Peninsula
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik called for a creative resurrection of the six-party talks framework, in order to reduce tensions and break through the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Three Key Lessons from Past North Korean Denuclearization Diplomacy
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that it is important to consider North Korea’s security and political concerns in order to achieve the goal of denuclearization.

Suspending Military Deal With North Korea Would Do More Harm Than Good: Experts
NK NEWS - APLN member Jina Kim was quoted in NK News, where she commented on the Comprehensive Military Agreement (CMA).

Windmills in a North Korean Cabbage Patch
GILDED AUDIO - This episode features APLN member Peter Hayes and Lyuba Zarsky, co-founders of the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainability, and David von Hippel.

North Korean Talks Collapsed but Didn’t Fail
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member Choi Jong Kun published an excerpt from his book, 'Power of Peace: A Record of the Moon Jae-in Government's Courage in the Peace Process,' in Foreign Policy.

U.S. Uneasy, Powerless as North Korea’s Kim Arrives in Russia to Meet Putin
THE WASHINGTON TIMES - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in pointed out that current sanctions and pressure may have reached their limits in influencing Russia and DPRK, driving the nations closer together.