US-China Nuclear Arms Control: Time for a Leap of Faith
Syed Ali Zia Jaffery argues that recent opportunities for arms control talks between the United States and China must be decisively seized by both countries.
Nuclear Talks and Geopolitical Risk in East Asia
VIVEKANANDA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION - APLN member Rajaram Panda argued that the solution lies in pursuing dialogue-oriented diplomacy with security-related approaches from all stakeholders.
Three Months After Biden, It’s Xi’s Turn to Court Vietnam
THE NEW YORK TIMES - APLN member Huong Le Thu commented on Vietnam's responses to the US-China competition.
Engaging With the Global South
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan joined Ravi Agrawal to discuss how to reengage with the global south and whether the term is even still relevant today.
Is There Such a Thing as a Global South?
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan wrote on the concept of global south.
U.S.-ROK Cooperation on Civilian Nuclear Energy
NBR - APLN member Yongsoo Hwang argues that the US and the ROK should take advantage of the ROK’s existing robust supply chain for nuclear design, construction, and operation.
Make the Summit a Turning Point in Sino-US Ties
CHINA DAILY - APLN member Shen Dingli wrote on the Xi-Biden Summit and argued that maintaining the right direction of China-US relations would require statecraft by the top leaders of both countries.
A Himalayan Rivalry and the Future of India-China Relations
INTERNATIONAL CRISIS GROUP - APLN member Huong Le Thu discussed the past, present, and future of India-China relations in a panel with Praveen Donthi and Amanda Hsiao.
China, Pakistan Wrap Up Naval Drill Featuring Sub, High-Tech Destroyer
DEFENSE NEWS - APLN Senior Research Adviser Frank O’Donnell commented on the implications of the latest China-Pakistan joint naval exercise.
U.S. and China Agree to Resume Military Dialogue in Four-Hour Summit
NIKKEI ASIA - APLN member Tong Zhao was quoted in Nikkei Asia, arguing that Beijing remains confident in its leverage to shape the American approach toward China.