
Despite India-US 2+2, a Long and Solitary Haul
THE TRIBUNE - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar argues that the Biden-Xi meeting will have a significant bearing on major power relationships, with varying impact on Russia, the EU, Japan and India.

China-US Nuclear Arms Control Talks: A Much-Needed First Step
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan wrote on the US-China Nuclear Arms Control talks.

Indonesia in the Emerging World Order
CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - APLN member Elina Noor co-wrote an article with Christopher S. Chivvis and Beatrix Geaghan-Breiner.

An Important Punctuation
THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar argues that the ultimate outcome of the US-China competition hinges on their relationships with India.

It’s Time to Talk About No First Use
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member Tong Zhao argues that exploring credible No First Use models can lead to more substantive nuclear arms control and strategic risk reduction talks.

China’s Growing Submarine Capabilities
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes for the Diplomat and argues that keeping track of Chinese submarines is “increasingly an international effort.”

Anticipating Albanese: Chinese Perspective of the Australia-China Relationship
ASIA SOCIETY - APLN member Chen Dongxiao discussed Australia-China relations from China’s perspective.

China’s BRI Turns Ten: Debt or Diplomatic Traps, Why India’s Resistance Matters
THE QUINT - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar points out that China's earnest rhetoric is not matched by similar sincerity when Beijing 'walks the talk.'

Active Diplomacy Among Leaders in Autumn
ARIRANG NEWS - APLN member Eunjung Lim had a discussion on the upcoming diplomatic events with Professor Kim Jae-cheon of Seogang University.

Active Neutrality: Malaysia in the Middle of U.S.-China Competition
USIP - APLN member Cheng-Chwee Kuik argues that although hedging is no panacea and comes with its own risks, it is the best option for Malaysia to pursue its interests amid strategic rivalry.