Indonesia Ratifies Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty. Australia Should Too.
THE INTERPRETER - APLN member Marianne Hanson argued that Indonesia’s ratification of the TPNW highlights the need for Australia to follow suit and support the treaty.

The U.N. Nuclear Ban Treaty Is How We Will Avoid a Nuclear War
NEWSWEEK - APLN member Melissa Parke argued that the only way to ensure nuclear weapons are never used again is to take them out of arsenals and eliminate them through the TPNW.

ICAN High Level Statement to the Opening of the Second Meeting of States Parties of the ...
ICAN - APLN member Melissa Parke, ICAN’s Executive Director, delivered a statement to the high level opening session of the second Meeting of States Parties to the UN Treaty on the Prohibition.

Understanding the Value of ‘Inadmissibility’
Manpreet Sethi argues that consensus-based statements offer an opportunity to hold nations to the highest standards of nuclear behaviour and action.
![[Infographic] TPNW in the Pacific](
[Infographic] TPNW in the Pacific
An infographic highlighting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) signature and ratification status among countries in the Pacific (as of September 2023).

Time to Hold Nuclear States to Their Promise
ASPI - APLN member Marianne Hanson co-wrote an article with Margaret Beavis, emphasizing the importance of disarmament and trust-building in the context of global security.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Cannot Live on Old Merits
Marianne Hanson argues that the NPT's survival hinges on credible commitments by the Nuclear Weapons States.

Can the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Protect Japan?
Toshio Sano argues that adopting the TPNW is currently not a viable option for Japan as it would require letting go of US extended deterrence, compromising its security.

A Wake-Up Call the World Cannot Ignore
Gareth Evans warns that the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists to move the hands of its famous Doomsday Clock is a wake-up call.

Time to Draw on the Untapped Potential of NWFZs
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan says the definition of NFWZs can and should be expanded to incorporate a larger swath of the globe.