The Bumpy Road Ahead in South Korean Politics
NBR - APLN member Eunjung Lim discusses the role of economic factors and communication issues in the crushing defeat for the ruling People Power Party in South Korea’s legislative election.

‘Choson’: Is it time we start referring to N. Korea in its own terms?
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik argues that South Korea should start using the term preferred by North Korea, "Choson", as mutual acknowledgement is the first step to peace and coexistence.

South Korea’s Dangerous Sense of Isolation
Tanya Ogilvie-White argues that South Korea is becoming increasingly isolated from its regional security partners in the way that it views the threat from North Korea.

Reducing War and Nuclear Risks on the Korean Peninsula
Jun Bong-geun argues that the Korean Peninsula's ongoing security competition heightens the risk of war and nuclear escalation, urging for resumed US-North Korea dialogue, reaffirmation of past ...

The Nuclear Umbrella and the Afterlife
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik points out that when it comes to deterrence against North Korea, there is a need to draw a distinction between “abilities” and “feelings”.

When Freedom Is Prioritized Over Peace in Korean Reunification
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon writes on how North and South Korea can move toward an amicable and friendly relationship, setting the stage for a peaceful reunification through consensus.

Relations Between Japan and South Korea Are Blossoming
THE ECONOMIST - APLN member Eunjung Lim highlighted that generational change and shifting geopolitical dynamics are leading to a gradual shift in South Korean attitudes towards Japan.

Strategic Stability on the Korean Peninsula: Dual Crisis and Risk Reduction Measures
Jina Kim analyses the complex implications of North Korea's changing nuclear strategy for South Korea in the case of simultaneous crises in the region.

Strategic Stability on the Korean Peninsula: Dual Crisis and Risk Reduction Measures
Jina Kim analyses the complex implications of North Korea's changing nuclear strategy for South Korea in the case of simultaneous crises in the region.

Balancing Deterrence with Assurances: Policy coordination between security partners in ...
The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network and the European Leadership Network argue for the importance of providing assurances to adversaries.