‘Cornerstone’ Cornered by the NWS
Dr Manpreet Sethi warns that the behaviour of the five nuclear weapons states leaves the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty more fragile than ever.

NPT Review Conference Failed to Reach Agreement: Implications for Our Region
Following the collapse of the 10th NPT Review Conference, Carlos D. Sorreta discusses what happened in New York.

The Return of Nuclear Weapons on the Global Platform
THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C. Raja Mohan advocates adding to what was till now regarded as ‘minimum’ to remain ‘credible regarding India's strategy on building ‘credible minimum deterrence’.

Is Russia Responsible for No Consensus at Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Meet?
THE QUINT - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar writes: The breakdown in attaining consensus was attributed to Moscow, which was apparently unhappy with certain references to the war in Ukraine.

The Non-proliferation Regime in Crisis
KOREA JOONGANG DAILY - APLN member Han Yong-sup writes about the impact of the war in Ukraine on the NPT Review Conference, arguing that the future of the non-proliferation regime is not that bright.

Will Nagasaki Be the Last City Ever to Experience a Nuclear Attack?
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in attended a memorial service on the 77th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki and wrote about two conflicting attitudes toward the nuclear issue in Japan.

NPT Side Event: Regional Perspectives on Strengthening the NPT
APLN senior research adviser Tanya Ogilvie-White spoke at a side event at the Tenth NPT Review Conference sharing regional perspectives.

Wake-up Call For ‘Nuke Five'
THE KOREA TIMES - APLN member Kim Won-soo argues that the nuclear states must work together to come up with a collective plan to keep non-nuclear states from developing their own nuclear deterrents.

Trends and the Necessity of Non-Proliferation Education
In a new column published last week, Yim Man-sung argues that we need to amplify the perspectives of the young generation.

The 10th Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Views from the Asia-Pacific
Prominent APLN members from Australia, Mongolia, and Japan share their hopes and fears for this year’s NPT RevCon.