Doomsday Clock And The 90 Seconds To Nuclear Or Climate Armageddon
STRATNEWS GLOBAL - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi discussed the "Doomsday Clock", an indicator of the world’s vulnerability to global catastrophes caused by man-made technologies.

Why South Korea Should Embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Melissa Parke highlights the significance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in advancing global nuclear disarmament, urging South Korea to reconsider its position and ...

South Korea Eyes Nuclear Arms as North Allies With Russia
DEUTSCHE WELLE - APLN member Eunjung Lim was quoted in Deutsche Welle, discussing the debate over nuclear weapons acquisition in South Korea.

You Can’t Have It Both Ways
KOREA JOONGANG DAILY - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argued that the case for South Korea’s nuclear armament overestimates uncertain benefits while underestimating tangible costs and disadvantages.

Conceptualisation in the IAEA Safeguards System and the Formation of Safeguards Culture
VCDNP - APLN Senior Associate Fellow John Carlson co-authors a paper with Valeri Bytchkov on how the development of IAEA safeguards has been influenced by various concepts that have been applied at ...

Looming Nuclear Turmoil
THE KOREA TIMES - APLN member Kim Won-soo warns that the risk of a nuclear domino effect could materialize in Northeast Asia, ultimately jeopardizing the fate of the NPT.

The Global Nuclear Order is Under Strain
THE HINDU - APLN member Rakesh Sood argued that the global nuclear order needs a convergence among the major powers and the ability to successfully present the outcome as a global public good.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Global South: Understanding Divergences and ...
THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR - APLN Policy Fellow Tanvi Kulkarni, co-edited a special issue of The International Spectator on the topic ‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Global South.‘

Taming Asia’s Nuclear Jungle: Lessons from the Cold War?
John Tilemann emphasises the urgent need for political leadership and intellectual resources to address nuclear threats.

Shoring Up the Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament Regime Is Imperative
Trevor Findlay highlights the challenges to global nuclear disarmament and emphasizes the need for international cooperation.