Nuclear Arsenals Are Being Expanded, Modernised, Proliferation Is A Concern
STRATNEWS GLOBAL - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi speaks about India's nuclear strategy and focus, in a chat with Surya Gangadharan.

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Cannot Live on Old Merits
Marianne Hanson argues that the NPT's survival hinges on credible commitments by the Nuclear Weapons States.

Lending a Helping Hand to the First NPT PrepCom for the Eleventh Review Cycle
In the midst of challenges facing the upcoming NPT PrepCom, Manpreet Sethi highlights recommendations made by the International Group of Eminent Persons for a World without Nuclear Weapons (IGEP) to ...

The Trinity Test: Significance and Aftermath
Feroz Hassan Khan explores the efforts and challenges surrounding the ban on nuclear weapons testing, and underscores the need for the entry into force of the comprehensive test ban treaty.

An Interview with Dr. Manpreet Sethi
SEIKYO SHIMBUN - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi was interviewed by Seikyo Shimbun.

Advancing Biological Weapons Convention (BWC): The Philippine Role
Jesus Domingo discusses the importance of the BWC in promoting biosafety and biosecurity, and highlights the Philippines' efforts in advancing the convention's goals.

Towards Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Global Nuclear Disarmament?
InDepthNews - IDN covered an APLN-NTI joint Jakarta workshop report titled "Strengthening the NPT Regime: Priorities for the Future."

2023 NEREC Regional Workshop in Southeast Asia (February 16, 14:00~18:00, KST)
KAIST-NEREC - On February 16, 14:00~18:00 (KST), APLN member Jun Bong-geun and Senior Associate Fellow John Tilemann will participate in the 2023 NEREC Regional Workshop in Southeast Asia.

The Nuclear Risk Reduction Approach: A Useful Path Forward for Crisis Mitigation
Sylvia Mishra argues that the nuclear-weapon states must focus on nuclear risk reduction measures as a way forward.

Time to Draw on the Untapped Potential of NWFZs
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan says the definition of NFWZs can and should be expanded to incorporate a larger swath of the globe.