Past Events

7th Annual Meeting
In May 2017, APLN hosted the 7th annual meeting against the backdrop of looming nuclear threats and heightened levels of regional uncertainty.

New Members Strategy Meeting in Kuala Lumpur
APLN co-hosted a New Members Strategy Meeting in Kuala Lumpur with the Malaysia Institute of Strategic and International Studies.

KNPS-APLN Joint Seminar in Seoul
APLN and KNPS co-hosted a seminar on the expected effects of the Trump administration’s ‘America First’ policy on nuclear issues in the Korean peninsula.

APLN Open Debate in Seoul
APLN hosted an open debate on the topic, "Countermeasures to North Korea’s Nuclearization: Is South Korea’s Nuclear Armament Inevitable?"

South Asia and China Regional Meeting 2017
APLN and ORF hosted the South Asia and China Regional Meeting 2017 to review regional challenge posed by the nuclear deterrence triad between China, India and Pakistan.

Southeast Asia Regional Meeting 2016
APLN and S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, brought together 20 experts from Southeast Asia to discuss Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone (SEANWFZ).

APLN at the 11th Jeju Forum 2016
The APLN hosted a session titled, "Geopolitical Tensions and Nuclear Temptations in Asia-Pacific" at the 11th Jeju Forum held on 23-25 May 2016.

6th Annual Meeting of APLN
The APLN convened its 6th Annual Meeting to report on the activities in the past year and discuss potential directions for the future.

ICNND report presentation with VP Biden
Gareth Evans and co-chair Yoriko Kawaguchi visited Washington D.C. to present the ICNND report to the then Vice President, Joe Biden, at the White House.