United States (Trump Administration)

Enduring Misperceptions: A Critical View of China-US ‘Decoupling’
Rukmani Gupta assesses the evolving narratives and misperceptions around 'economic decoupling' between the United States and China.

Enduring Misperceptions: A Critical View of China-US ‘Decoupling’
Rukmani Gupta assesses the evolving narratives and misperceptions around 'economic decoupling' between the United States and China.

Asia Dialogue on China-US Relations
The APLN Asia Dialogue on China-US Relations brings together senior experts and scholars to discuss China-US relations within a regional context.

China and the US: Two Paranoid Giants at Odds
HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in provides an analysis on current and predicted outcomes of the China-US rivalry.

US Nuclear Weapons Launch Authority under Fire
NZIIA - APLN member Angela Woodward argues that in the dying days of President Trump’s administration, concerns that he might seek to launch a pre-emptive war – potentially nuclear - intensified.

Time for the US’s Nuclear Strategy To Embrace No First Use
EAST ASIA FORUM - APLN Senior Associate Fellow Van Jackson calls on the US to adopt the No first Use doctrine.

Restoring US Credibility, Soft Power
Gareth Evans writes an open letter to the newly inaugurated US President Biden on the role of American leadership on managing global challenges in the 2020s.

Will Biden "Build Back Better" Relations with North Korea?
A video analysis on what the new US Administration will mean for the North Korean nuclear issue.

The US Election and Nuclear Order in the Post-Pandemic World
Leon Sigal assesses potential nuclear policy outcomes from the US election and of the nuclear order in the post-pandemic world.

Arms Talk vs. Balanced Security
Shen Dingli discusses the possibility of China participating in arms reduction talks with the US and Russia.