Nuclear Disarmament

Urgent Tasks for Nuclear Disarmament
Abe Nobuyasu reflects on the progress and challenges in nuclear disarmament since the first UN resolution in 1946, and the urgency of extending New START.

15th International Day against Nuclear Tests
APLN observes the 15th year of the International Day against Nuclear Tests by asking experts whether new nuclear weapon tests remain an actual possibility in the current strategic environment.

A Glimmer of Hope for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Michiru Nishida explores the successes and challenges of the recent NPT PrepCom, questioning whether the efforts and will of States Parties amidst a challenging international geopolitical situation ...

What if South Korea Got a Nuclear Bomb?
THE ECONOMIST - APLN member Lee Sang-Hyun quoted in The Economist, where he commented on the debate over South Korea's nuclear option.

Hiroshima’s Commitment to Cultivating the Next Generation of Leaders for a Nuclear-Free ...
Hidehiko Yuzaki emphasizes the importance of cultivating the next generation of leaders dedicated to nuclear disarmament and international peace through various educational programs, given the aging ...

Can the 2024 Preparatory Committee Meeting Save the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Marianne Hanson highlights the challenges facing the second PrepCom for the 2026 NPT Review Conference, noting increased tensions between nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states, stalled disarmament ...

Logic (or Illogic?) of Japan’s Aversion to TPNW and Charting a Path Forward
JPAND - APLN Senior Research Adviser Michiru Nishida wrote on Japan’s position on the TPNW.

Doomsday Clock And The 90 Seconds To Nuclear Or Climate Armageddon
STRATNEWS GLOBAL - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi discussed the "Doomsday Clock", an indicator of the world’s vulnerability to global catastrophes caused by man-made technologies.

Why South Korea Should Embrace the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
Melissa Parke highlights the significance of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in advancing global nuclear disarmament, urging South Korea to reconsider its position and ...

Introduction: Reducing the Risk of Nuclear Weapons Use in Northeast Asia
Shatabhisha Shetty writes an introductory essay for the special section of the Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament.