
Japan's National Security Strategy: Responding to Unprecedented Challenges
Alexandra Sakaki says Japan’s shifting security strategy has important implications for the US and other countries.

It's Not Time to Fight, but to Cooperate
Lim Eunjung says it's time for South Korea and Japan to bury the hatchet because that's what the next generation wants.

Hard Security Back in Focus at the Quad Foreign Ministers Meet
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on the recent Quad Foreign Ministers meeting in Delhi.

Japan and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Nobumasa Akiyama explains how Japan’s security concerns, priorities, and perceptions of strategic risk affect its attitudes to nuclear weapons and the non-proliferation regime.

Efforts to Mend Ties Between Seoul and Tokyo; What Hurdles Need To Be Overcome?
ARIRANG NEWS - APLN member Lim Eun-jung shares her views on Seoul and Tokyo's bilateral ties in an interview with Arirang News.

The Trouble With Japan’s Military Buildup Runs Deeper Than We Think
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik argues that now is the time to gather strength and wisdom to publicize a roadmap for disarmament while asking what truly matters.

Japan’s New Security Policy: Normalizing or Remilitarizing?
THE KOREA TIMES - APLN member Kim Won-soo writes on Japan's new security policy and argues that it is time for Japan to reflect on the past in order to move forward in its quest for normal statehood.

Public Seminar - Japan Fukushima Nuclear Issue
PACIFIC ISLANDS FORUM - APLN member Rhea Moss-Christian moderated a panel discussion and shared concerns regarding Japan's plans to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean in 2023.

Understanding Japan’s Nuclear Dilemma
CAPS - APLN member Manpreet Sethi analyses Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s overtures towards nuclear disarmament as well as new defence build-up with modernisation of conventional forces.

India and the New Eurasia
THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C Raja Mohan argues that the rise of Eurasia is making it harder for India to ride on two baots at the same time and Delhi must seize the emerging possibilities.