
Prime Minster Kishida: Your Field of Vision on Nuclear Disarmament Is Out of Focus
APLN member Hiromichi Umebayashi examines the inconsistency in words and deeds of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

Flurry of Diplomacy at G7: Analysis
ARIRANG NEWS - APLN member Eunjung Lim shared her observations on the G7 Hiroshima Summit.

Japan’s Approaches to Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Deterrence
JAPAN MEMO - APLN Senior Associate Fellow Nobumasa Akiyama features on the podcast 'Japan Memo' to discuss the nuclear sharing debate in Japan and ROK and the implications for nuclear proliferation.

Fukushima: Lessons learned from a devastating “near-miss”
BULLETIN OF THE ATOMIC SCIENTISTS - APLN member Yoichi Funabashi co-wrote an article with Marina Fujita Dickson, examining the mistakes made in the days and weeks following the Fukushima incident.

A Step Toward Normalizing Japan-South Korea Relations
THE JAPAN TIMES - APLN member Yoichi Funabashi writes on the Japan-South Korea Summit.

For Japan, ‘Ukraine is the Future of Asia’
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C Raja Mohan writes on Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s trip to Ukraine. He argues that Tokyo has abandoned decades of passivity and become a global strategic actor.

International Group of Eminent Persons for a World Without Nuclear Weapons
IGEP - On 4 April, APLN Chair and Members attended the 2nd meeting the International Group of Eminent Persons (IGEP) for a World without Nuclear Weapons.

Heading the Wrong Way? Japan and the Growing Nuclear Threats in Northeast Asia
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN member Tatsujiro Suzuki analyses the impacts and consequences of Japan's new military-oriented policies and offers a way forward.

What Yoon Could Learn From Kim Dae-jung’s Dealings With Japan
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik writes on the fundamental differences between the Yoon Suk-yeol administration and the Kim Dae-jung administration.

Kishida’s India Trip: A Reiteration of Strong India-Japan Ties
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s India trip and argues that despite their differences on Ukraine, the India-Japan ties remain strong.