
    Japan’s New Security Policy: Normalizing or Remilitarizing?

    Japan’s New Security Policy: Normalizing or Remilitarizing?

    6 Feb 2023 | KIM Won-soo

    THE KOREA TIMES - APLN member Kim Won-soo writes on Japan's new security policy and argues that it is time for Japan to reflect on the past in order to move forward in its quest for normal statehood.

    Public Seminar - Japan Fukushima Nuclear Issue

    Public Seminar - Japan Fukushima Nuclear Issue

    3 Feb 2023 | Rhea MOSS-CHRISTIAN

    PACIFIC ISLANDS FORUM - APLN member Rhea Moss-Christian moderated a panel discussion and shared concerns regarding Japan's plans to discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean in 2023.

    Understanding Japan’s Nuclear Dilemma

    Understanding Japan’s Nuclear Dilemma

    18 Jan 2023 | Manpreet SETHI

    CAPS - APLN member Manpreet Sethi analyses Japanese Prime Minister Kishida’s overtures towards nuclear disarmament as well as new defence build-up with modernisation of conventional forces. 

    India and the New Eurasia

    India and the New Eurasia

    18 Jan 2023 | C. Raja MOHAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member C Raja Mohan argues that the rise of Eurasia is making it harder for India to ride on two baots at the same time and Delhi must seize the emerging possibilities.

    Veer Guardian 2023: Maiden India-Japan Air Exercise to Begin

    Veer Guardian 2023: Maiden India-Japan Air Exercise to Begin

    10 Jan 2023 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan argues that the China factor has steadied the India-Japan strategic partnership, despite their differences of opinion on other matters.

    Security Cooperation Between South Korea and Japan Needs Strong Leadership

    Security Cooperation Between South Korea and Japan Needs Strong Leadership

    6 Jan 2023 | LIM Eunjung

    Eunjung Lim says that South Korea and Japan share a common goal of better security cooperation and must overcome mutual suspicions and animosity.

    Japan’s New Strategic Direction

    Japan’s New Strategic Direction

    30 Dec 2022 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan writes on Japan’s new national security documents and Tokyo’s new strategic orientations.

    Members of the International Group of Eminent Persons

    Members of the International Group of Eminent Persons

    8 Dec 2022 | APLN

    Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio has selected several APLN members and staff to serve on a special advisory group.

    Japan’s Changing Nuclear Energy Policy

    Japan’s Changing Nuclear Energy Policy

    5 Dec 2022 | SUZUKI Tatsujiro

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN board member Tatsujiro Suzuki writes on the Kishida administration's new nuclear energy policy and the viability of the proposed 2050 Carbon Neutral policy.

    (NU-NEA) Potential Implications of the War in Ukraine for Northeast Asia

    (NU-NEA) Potential Implications of the War in Ukraine for Northeast Asia

    9 Nov 2022 | Paul K. DAVIS

    Paul Davis argues that the Ukraine war has made the range of nuclear-use cases in Northeast Asia even more plausible.

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