Arms Control

No Light at the End of the N-Tunnel
THE TRIBUNE - APLN member C Uday Bhaskar wrote on the findings of two reports released by ICAN and SIPRI, highlighting that the world has drifted from reasonably robust deterrence to one of fragile ...

What Are China’s Nuclear Weapons For?
FOREIGN AFFAIRS - APLN member Tong Zhao wrote a response to Ashley Tellis' comments on his essay in Foreign Affairs.

Understanding China's Nuclear Thinking
CSSPR - APLN member Tong Zhao was featured on the program INFOCUS With Ejaz Haider at Centre for Security, Strategy and Policy Research (CSSPR), where he commented on China's nuclear strategy and ...

How Should the U.S. and China Manage Their Nuclear Relationship During the “New Cold War”?
THE CARTER CENTER - APLN member Tong Zhao will speak at a webinar at 3pm EST, May 28, 2024.

The Real Motives for China’s Nuclear Expansion
FOREIGN AFFAIRS - APLN member Tong Zhao writes on the underlying drivers of China's nuclear expansion, and the implications for US-China security and overall relations

U.S. Strategy of Damage Limitation Vis-à-Vis China: Long-Term Programs and Effects
SPRINGER LINK - APLN member Li Bin co-publishes a paper with Wu Riqiang, highlighting that nuclear competition between the US and China needs to be mitigated and stabilized through nuclear dialogues.

Face-Off: The U.S. vs China - Doomsday
FACE-OFF - APLN member Tong Zhao is featured in the podcast Face-Off, where he discusses whether China and the U.S. will come to the table and agree to nuclear arms control accords.

Behavioral Arms Control and East Asia
Ulrich Kühn and Heather Williams suggest using a “Behavioral Arms Control” framework between China and the United States to reduce the risk of war.

Behavioral Arms Control and East Asia
Ulrich Kühn and Heather Williams suggest using a “Behavioral Arms Control” framework between China and the United States to reduce the risk of war.

Preparations for Nuclear War-Fighting and the Demise of Arms Control
Sverre Lodgaard argues that US and Russian war-fighting preparations include nuclear as well as conventional means, and China might be moving in the same direction.