Policy Briefs

The Nuclear Chain Binding China, India, and Pakistan in a Tight Embrace
Ramesh Thakur explores the merits of adapting the Open Skies Treaty and the Incidents at Sea Agreement from the North Atlantic to the Asia–Pacific and of universalizing an NFU policy.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Remembered: Why the Asia-Pacific Must Stand Up for the NPT
Ambassador (ret.) John Tileman argues that states must take the opportunity offered by the delayed NPT Review Conference to create momentum on nuclear risk reduction.

US Nuclear Policy and Posture: Bending Toward Asia?
Steve Andreasen argues in this policy brief that Washington and Beijing could take concrete nuclear threat reduction steps to moderate or mitigate nuclear tensions between the US and China in Asia.

Assessing the 50th Anniversary of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
In light of its 50th anniversary, John Carlson assesses the NPT, addressing the lack of progress on nuclear disarmament and recommending steps to resolve the issue.

Managing the post-INF Arms Competition in the Asia-Pacific: A Japanese Perspective
Nobuyasu Abe argues that proposals to deploy INF-class missiles in Japan is likely to initiate a regional missile deployment competition between the US and China, with Russia possibly joining as well.

What the Bolton Memoir Tells Us about the Future of DPRK Nuclear Negotiations
Van Jackson mines Bolton’s rendition of the US-North Korea policy as well as the former ambassador's take on summit diplomacy in past years, drawing lessons that can improve the prospects of future.

Korean Peninsula Nuclear Summitry: The Time is Right
John Tilemann argues that DPRK denuclearisation cannot be achieved as a discrete goal. Rather, the time for negotiations between the US, China, and Russia over security assurances is at hand.

Nuclear Battleground: Debating the US 2018 Nuclear Posture Review
For the 2018 NPR, the Trump Administration has decided upon expanding their role on nuclear weapons, alongside a de-emphasis on arms control. Miller compares and contrasts with NPRs of previous years.

Nuclear-Armed Cruise Missiles Should be Banned
Andrew C. Weber reminds the world leaders of the threat of nuclear-armed cruise missiles and urges intergovernmental, UN, and non-governmental actors to take appropriate measures.

Harmonizing the NPT and Ban Treaty through Nuclear Risk Reduction by Possessor States
Ambassador and APLN member Rakesh Sood assesses which doctrinal and technical steps would be consistent with the objective of nuclear disarmament.