Policy Briefs

Revisiting Reprocessing in South Korea
Joel Petersson Ivre, policy fellow at APLN, offers recommendations to the incoming South Korean government on nuclear policy.

The Legality of Nuclear Weapons
John Carlson discusses the legal aspects of nuclear weapons, focusing on the 1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Chinese Fractional Orbital Bombardment
Dr. Bowen and Dr. Hunter assess the Chinese Fractional Orbital Bombardment System and the consequences for US, Asia Pacific and outer space security.

Comprehensive Security and Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia
Dr. Frances Mautner-Markhof explains how the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) can be used as a model for a multilateral security cooperation mechanism in Northeast Asia.

Northeast Asia Public Health Security Initiative
Peter Hayes proposes a Seoul City led Northeast Asia Public Health Security Initiative to engage with North Korea on public health as a way to re-build trust to resume denuclearization talks.

Negotiated Settlement through Sanctions Relief: Options for the Korean Peninsula
Thomas Biersteker and David Lanz suggest the pragmatic middle-of-the-road approach to tackling the DPRK nuclear challenge.

Proposing a nuclear dialogue with North Korea
Professor Bong-Geun Jun argues that policymakers must not only focus on DPRK denuclearization, but on reducing and eliminating nuclear security risks.

Can Nuclear Confidence-Building Measures between India and Pakistan be Revived?
Dr. Marianne Hanson highlights the dangers in Indo-Pakistan-China relations and recommends CSBMs steps towards lowering the risk of nuclear use.

Mounting Nuclear Risks
Dr. Manpreet Sethi identifies factors that heighten novel nuclear risks and makes recommendations for measures to arrest them.

The Ban Treaty: Perspectives from Southeast Asia
Professor Mely Caballero-Anthony offers a perspective from South East Asia on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.