Policy Briefs

Towards a Nuclear Restraint Regime: From a Normative Ban Treaty to a Substantive Agenda
APLN board member Dr. Manpreet Sethi suggests a systematic and practical approach towards the elimination of nuclear weapons.

Cooperation or Conflict? Walking the Tightrope of NPT and Ban Treaty Supporters
Angela Kane brings a spotlight on the lack of trust between the nuclear haves and the have-nots, calling for cooperation from both sides.

Folding the Umbrella: Nuclear Allies, the NPT and the Ban Treaty
Paul Meyer argues that nuclear dependent allies should play a bigger role in convincing their NWS partners to undertake tangible nuclear disarmament action.

Verifying the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons and Providing Assurance against Breakout
APLN member John Carlson argues that effective verification will be absolutely essential to achieving nuclear disarmament.

South Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Retrospect and Prospects
Professor Yong-Sup Han of KNDU discusses the history of the ROK's position on nuclear weapons and suggests recommendations for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

Non-NPT Nuclear-Armed States and the NPT: Closing the Gap
APLN member Sadia Tasleem examines the status of the four non-NPT nuclear-armed states -- India, Pakistan, DPRK and Israel -- vis-à-vis the three core objectives of the NPT.

Nuclear Disarmament, the NPT and the Ban Treaty
APLN Board member Ramesh Thakur discusses the ineffectiveness of the NPT while also bringing light to its normative potential.

Energy Insecurity in the DPRK
The authors summarize what is known about the DPRK's energy sector and provide suggestions on how its energy insecurity could be addressed in relation to productive engagement on nuclear weapons.

The North Korean Nuclear Problem
APLN member and former PM of Australia Kevin Rudd offers his solution to the North Korean nuclear problem.

North Korea’s Nuclear Doctrine under Kim Jong Un
Patrick McEachern's paper brings insights into North Korea's nuclear doctrine under Kim Jong Un.