Policy Briefs

The Asia-Pacific Nuclear Governance Architecture Part I
In this two-part study, Trevor Findlay explores the need for peaceful uses of nuclear energy in the Asia-Pacific. In Pt. I: growing demand for nuclear-generated electricity in the region by year 2030.

India’s Nuclear Safety and Security: Policies and Practices
India has developed a robust set of frameworks concerning the safe and legal use of atomic energy, nuclear weapons, and more over the past several decades.

NPT 2020 Review Underway: Is the NPT Still Relevant?
Major innovative strategies will be necessary in order to revive the NPT and to keep it both current and constructive for the new decade.

Nuclear Safety: The Republic of Korea’s Experience in Eliminating Capacity Deficits
South Korea, confronted with energy resources that are growing rapidly insufficient for the needs of the population, has turned to nuclear engineering to provide a stable energy supply to the country.

Coping With and Mitigating the Effects of Nuclear Reactor Accidents in Pakistan
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is the new big word in Pakistan's nuclear policies. Opaqueness in the PNRA, however, limits public input--which impedes safety standards.

DPRK: Current Status of the Development of Nuclear Weapons
Yongsoo Hwang outlines programs and steps towards facilitating international cooperation with North Korea.

Japan’s Nuclear Safety Governance after Fukushima
Japan learned a harsh lesson about nuclear regulation systems from Fukushima. Post-Fukushima, the Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) has been making sure those lessons stick.

The Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone: A US Perspective on the Treaty and Its Future
The Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ)'s stance is to promote regional security and US interests. The future of the treaty remains murky under the Trump administration.

Nuclear Issues on the Korean Peninsula: A Russian View of Prospects and Possibilities
Anton Khlopkov argues that tensions in Northeast Asia risk dragging neighbouring countries into a regional arms race, and that Russia remains cautious of North Korea's nuclear capability.

Japan’s “Charlie Brown” Dilemma vis-à-vis the North Korean Nuclear Crisis
"This time it may be true!" -- Under increasing pressure from North Korea, Japan faces a dilemma: continue in hopes of finding a diplomatic solution, or acquire their own nuclear weapon capability?