Policy Briefs

Enhancing Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Preparedness and Response in ASEAN and Beyond
Julius Cesar Trajano explains how ASEAN can expand its work on nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness.

AUKUS After San Diego: The real challenges and nuclear risks
John Gower argues that AUKUS does not pose a nuclear proliferation risk, but cautions against the US acquisition of SLCM-N which would undermine the deterrent value of AUKUS.

China’s Nuclear Inventory: Capabilities & Possibilities
Amrita Jash says it's imperative that the world understands China's shifting nuclear weapons policy and how it ties in with China's expanding nuclear weapons arsenal.

Japan's National Security Strategy: Responding to Unprecedented Challenges
Alexandra Sakaki says Japan’s shifting security strategy has important implications for the US and other countries.

The Perception Gap and the China-US Relationship
Tong Zhao argues that the growing perception gap between the United States and China could lead to more consequential outcomes than the Ukraine war.

Time to Draw on the Untapped Potential of NWFZs
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan says the definition of NFWZs can and should be expanded to incorporate a larger swath of the globe.

Germany's Role in the East Asian Security Architecture
Julia Gurol-Haller argues that a shift in Germany’s security and defense policy-making offers a window of opportunity.

(NU-NEA) Implications of the Ukraine War for ROK Security
Cheon Myeongguk explores the possible implications of the Ukraine conflict on the ROK attitudes regarding nuclear weapons.

The Need for US-China-Russia Cooperation on North Korea
Gabriela Bernal argues that the United States must abandon unrealistic expectations in its dealings with North Korea.

ASEAN Centrality and Regional Security in the Context of Great Power Rivalry
Hoang Hai Ha and Le Lena assess ASEAN's volatility and vulnerability.