Policy Briefs

Mongolia’s Nuclear Experience: Expanding a National Initiative to Strengthen the ...
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikhan argues that Mongolia's rich experience should serve as a tool to strengthen and further broaden the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone regime.

Preparations for Nuclear War-Fighting and the Demise of Arms Control
Sverre Lodgaard argues that US and Russian war-fighting preparations include nuclear as well as conventional means, and China might be moving in the same direction.

Balancing Deterrence with Assurances: Policy coordination between security partners in ...
The Asia-Pacific Leadership Network and the European Leadership Network argue for the importance of providing assurances to adversaries.

Cybersecurity Threats to Regional Stability in the Asia-Pacific
Sameer Patil examines cybersecurity threats in the Asia-Pacific and describes how cyberattacks fuelled by geopolitical rivalries pose a new threat to the region’s security establishments.

70 Years and Counting: The Path to Peace on the Korean Peninsula
Gabriela Bernal identifies the conflicts of interest between the stakeholders on the Korean Peninsula that prevent them from pursuing a peace agreement.

China’s Nuclear Weapons Build-up and Its Implications for Northeast Asian Security
Lami Kim argues that China’s nuclear modernisation should concern the United States because it poses a risk to vital US interests in Northeast Asia.

Can the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Protect Japan?
Toshio Sano argues that adopting the TPNW is currently not a viable option for Japan as it would require letting go of US extended deterrence, compromising its security.

From Minimum to Limited Deterrence: China’s Nuclear build-up and future implications
Amrita Jash analyses the the drivers of China's nuclear build-up, and the implications for countries in the region.

Russian Aggression Against Ukraine: Impact on Nuclear Issues
Toshio Sano argues that protecting Ukraine's nuclear power plants should be a priority and suggests measures to prevent further escalation.

Dissecting the Washington Declaration
Peter Hayes argues that the United States and its allies remain in strategic drift in Northeast Asia, and the risk of nuclear war is increasing with each day.