Korean Peninsula

Northeast Asia Regional Meeting 2018
The Summit between the leaders of the U.S. and the DPRK was regarded as an extremely positive development in dissolving tensions surrounding the Korean Peninsula.

The THAAD Deployment in South Korea: A Challenge and An Opportunity
The THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) -- one of the U.S.'s key components of its missile defense architecture -- has a history of skepticism directed towards it.

Nuclear-Free Korean Peninsula: Strategies and Action Programs for the Moon Administration
Peter Hayes and Binoy Kampmark assess deliberations between policymakers, analysts and experts on a future nuclear-free Korean Peninsula at the KNDA (SEOUL).

Nuclear-Free Korean Peninsula: Strategies and Action Programs for the Moon Administration
Peter Hayes and Binoy Kampmark summarize and assess deliberations between policymakers, analysts and experts on the subject of a future nuclear-free Korean Peninsula at the KNDA, in Seoul.

South Korea and Nuclear Weapons: Retrospect and Prospects
Professor Yong-Sup Han of KNDU discusses the history of the ROK's position on nuclear weapons and suggests recommendations for denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.

The North Korean Nuclear Problem
APLN member and former PM of Australia Kevin Rudd offers his solution to the North Korean nuclear problem.

Can We Still Negotiate with North Korea? A South Korean Perspective
APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon explains the ROK's perspective on breaking the nuclear deadlock and in making tangible progress towards negotiating with North Korea.

7th Annual Meeting
The APLN convened in Jeju against looming nuclear threats, heightened levels of regional uncertainty, and the draft publication of a UN convention to prohibit the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Issues on the Korean Peninsula: A Russian View of Prospects and Possibilities
Anton Khlopkov argues that tensions in Northeast Asia risk dragging neighbouring countries into a regional arms race, and that Russia remains cautious of North Korea's nuclear capability.

KNPS-APLN Joint Seminar in Seoul
Nuclear experts debated and discussed the option of South Korea going nuclear against the backdrop of North Korean nuclear issues.