Korean Peninsula
Data Driven Disarmament
Jamie Withorne argues that with advancing technologies there will limitless possibilities for rising actors to largely shape upcoming nuclear policy from destruction to disarmament.
[Special Report] Inter-Korean Cooperation Through NEAPHI
Dr. Young-jeon Shin discusses the prospects of Inter-Korean and Northeast Asia cooperation on public health via the NEAPHI.
[CTR Plus] Inter-Korean Cooperation Through NEAPHI
Dr. Young-jeon Shin discusses the prospects of Inter-Korean and Northeast Asia cooperation on public health via NEAPHI to address healthcare issues in the DPRK.
[CTR Plus] Biomedical Cooperation with the DPRK in the Post-Pandemic Era
Dr. Sang Min Park proposes the creation of an inter-Korean Biomedical Cluster as a sustainable model for cooperation in the post-pandemic era.
It’s Time for Biden to End the Korean War
FOREIGN POLICY - Jessica Lee discusses the prospects of a formal end to the Korean War and urges the Biden Administration to "articulate a forward-looking U.S. agenda on the peninsula".
[Special Report] Space Engagement and Cooperation with the DPRK
Dr. Goswami examines the DPRK’s space capabilities, explores how space cooperation can be operationalized and funded, and offers a scenario-based analysis.
[CTR Plus] Space Engagement and Cooperation with the DPRK
Dr. Goswami examines the DPRK’s space capabilities, explores how space cooperation can be operationalized and funded, and offers a scenario-based analysis.
[Special Report] Energy Efficiency Measures Complementary to CTR Activities for the DPRK
David von Hippel and Peter Hayes outline a new energy project as complementary to engagement-focused Cooperative Threat Reduction activities for the DPRK.
[WMD] Is Nuclear Domino in Northeast Asia Real and Inevitable?
In light of the DPRK’s resumed nuclear and missile activities, Professor Chung-in Moon probes the likelihood of South Korea and Japan acquiring nuclear weapons.
[Webinar 3] CTR+ and Public Health in the DPRK
On September 24th, APLN hosted its second DPRK CTR+ webinar, "CTR+ and Public Health in the DPRK."