Jeju Forum 2020: Defusing the China-India-Pakistan Nuclear Triangle
APLN X Jeju Forum Session 4: Experts examine ways to mitigate tensions in the China-India-Pakistan nuclear triangle.
Tension on the India-China Border: Why Asia Should Care
Varadarajan asserts that despite deterrence optimists' claims that nuclear weapons would deter countries from engaging in conventional conflicts, the India-China border clash shows otherwise.
The Impact of a Regional Nuclear Conflict between India and Pakistan: Two Views
G.D. Hess assesses the two major studies on climatic impact of a regional war between India and Pakistan and the different assumptions that lead to the two different conclusions.
The Nuclear Chain Binding China, India, and Pakistan in a Tight Embrace
Ramesh Thakur explores the merits of adapting the Open Skies Treaty and the Incidents at Sea Agreement from the North Atlantic to the Asia–Pacific and of universalizing an NFU policy.
The Ban Treaty and Non-NPT Nuclear-Armed States - Can India Make a Difference?
India may well have the clout to change the narrative among the four nuclear-armed states outside of the NPT.
India’s Nuclear Safety and Security: Policies and Practices
India has developed a robust set of frameworks concerning the safe and legal use of atomic energy, nuclear weapons, and more over the past several decades.
South Asia and China Regional Meeting 2017
APLN members from South Asia and China convened in New Delhi to review global nuclear threats and regional challenges posed by the nuclear deterrence triad between China, India and Pakistan.
South Asia and China Regional Meeting 2017
APLN members from South Asia and China met in New Delhi to review global nuclear threats and the regional challenge posed by the nuclear deterrence triad between China, India and Pakistan.
Limits of Practising Nuclear Brinksmanship
Brinksmanship strategies that appear to be working raise the salience of nuclear weapons and increase their attraction for proliferation. None of this is good for international stability and security.
Worse Than Expected, Please Do Not Ratify
Experts urge the Parliaments of Japan and India to consider carefully the dangers of ratifying a flawed treaty.