United States (Biden Administration)

Early Nuclear Indicators in the US’ Interim National Security Strategic Guidance
IPCS - Dr. Manpreet Sethi parses the recently released document to gauge the new administration’s approach to global nuclear issues.

Northeast Asia Public Health Security Initiative
Peter Hayes proposes a Seoul City led Northeast Asia Public Health Security Initiative to engage with North Korea on public health as a way to re-build trust to resume denuclearization talks.

What Asia Wants From the Biden Administration
GLOBAL ASIA - APLN Chair Gareth Evans published an article in the March 2021 edition of Global Asia highlighting what Asia wants from the Biden Administration.

Moon Chung-in's Future Scenario
APLN Vice-Chair Moon Chung-in published a new book titled, Moon Chung-in's Future Scenario: Covid-19, U.S.-China New Cold War and South Korea's Options.

Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons
APLN member Ramesh Thakur argues in a Korea Times open letter to President Biden that developments over the past five years justify the adoption of "No First Use".

Biden, Asia, and the Politics of Nuclear Arms Control
FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan argues that to construct a new balance of power in Asia, Washington needs a better approach to nuclear arms.

Debate on the Future of the Korean Peninsula and Biden Administration
KBS - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in discussed the future of the Korean Peninsula in a Biden Era with former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Song Min-soon in a debate.

Restoring US Credibility, Soft Power
Gareth Evans writes an open letter to the newly inaugurated US President Biden on the role of American leadership on managing global challenges in the 2020s.

Will Biden "Build Back Better" Relations with North Korea?
A video analysis on what the new US Administration will mean for the North Korean nuclear issue.

Will Biden "Build Back Better" Relations with North Korea?
Professor Moon Chung-in, Professor Siegfried Hecker, and former UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Dr. Angela Kane weigh in on the new Biden Administration.