No First Use

    The Case for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    The Case for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    29 Apr 2021 | Gareth EVANS

    APLN Chair Gareth Evans analyzes the NFU policy and assesses the feasibility of universal buy-in of said strategy among the world's nine nuclear-armed states.

    Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons

    9 Feb 2021 | Ramesh THAKUR

    APLN member Ramesh Thakur argues in a Korea Times open letter to President Biden that developments over the past five years justify the adoption of "No First Use".

    COVID-19 Holds Up Mirror to Nuclear Risks

    COVID-19 Holds Up Mirror to Nuclear Risks

    1 Apr 2020 | Manpreet SETHI

    Manpreet Sethi discusses the current state of nuclear weapons issues and pushes for the acceptance of the no first use (NFU) policy by all nuclear armed states.

    APLN No First Use Statement 2016

    APLN No First Use Statement 2016

    16 Aug 2016 | APLN

    A No First Use policy would have both symbolic value and significant practical implications. Its potential benefits greatly exceed possible downsides.

    APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Leaders Call for ‘No First Use’ nuclear policy

    APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Leaders Call for ‘No First Use’ nuclear policy

    16 Aug 2016 | APLN

    Former leaders of the Asia-Pacific encourage the U.S. to adopt a “No First Use” nuclear policy and call on Pacific allies to support it.

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