
    Contemporary Nuclear Dynamics in Southern Asia: Many Challenges, Few Possibilities

    Contemporary Nuclear Dynamics in Southern Asia: Many Challenges, Few Possibilities

    26 Aug 2022 | Manpreet SETHI

    Dr Manpreet Sethi explores the nuclear chain dynamic in Southern Asia and explains how to strengthen strategic stability.

    Kevin Rudd and C. Raja Mohan on the Future of U.S.-China Relations

    Kevin Rudd and C. Raja Mohan on the Future of U.S.-China Relations

    24 Aug 2022 | Kevin RUDD and C. Raja MOHAN

    ASIA SOCIETY - APLN member Kevin Rudd discussed the broader implications of current and future relations between the U.S. and China with C. Raja Mohan.

    Mutual Respect? China-South Korea Relations at 30

    Mutual Respect? China-South Korea Relations at 30

    24 Aug 2022 | Jingdong YUAN

    At the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea, the bilateral relationship faces structural constraints.

    Managing the Rise of a More Assertive China

    Managing the Rise of a More Assertive China

    23 Aug 2022 | Kevin RUDD

    HINDUSTAN TIMES - APLN member Kevin Rudd argues that a more assertive China will create further friction in the region. India, and the global community, will need to find ways to counter this change.

    Is China Changing How It Sees the World?

    Is China Changing How It Sees the World?

    19 Aug 2022 | Kevin RUDD

    THE FOREIGN AFFAIRS INTERVIEW - APLN member Kevin Rudd talks about Xi Jinping's China, its confrontation with America, and how China sees itself and its role on the global stage.

    India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    India’s Latest Concerns With the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

    9 Aug 2022 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan argued that India has raised objections to the possibility of China and Pakistan involving third countries in the CPEC.

    New Nuclear Troubles in Southern Asia?

    New Nuclear Troubles in Southern Asia?

    4 Aug 2022 | Tong ZHAO and Rakesh SOOD

    CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE - APLN members Tong Zhao and Rakesh Sood will speak at the Carnegie event and make comments about new nuclear troubles in Southern Asia.

    Taiwan between Giants

    Taiwan between Giants

    4 Aug 2022 | Shyam SARAN

    THE INDIAN EXPRESS - APLN member Shyam Saran writes about the US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

    China-India Relations in a State of Limbo

    China-India Relations in a State of Limbo

    2 Aug 2022 | Rajeswari Pillai RAJAGOPALAN

    THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan wrote for The Diplomat on Beijing’s statements on China-India relations.

    China’s Shifting Economy and Politics: Impact on U.S.-China Relations

    China’s Shifting Economy and Politics: Impact on U.S.-China Relations

    30 Jul 2022 | Kevin RUDD

    APLN member Kevin Rudd delivered a lecture at the UC San Diego Forum. He discussed new developments in China’s political economy and examined their impact on U.S.-China relations moving forward.

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