AUKUS Nuclear-Powered Submarine Deal – Non-proliferation Aspects
As part of the new APLN series analysing the new Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) deal, APLN member John Carlson delineates the non-proliferations aspects of the deal.
Scott Morrison’s Giant Nuclear Election Ploy
In this series analysing the new Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) deal, Allan Behm explains the implications on China, Russia, DPRK and other nuclear-armed states, as well as knock-on effects on Japan and ROK.
Nuclear Command, Control and Communications (NC3) in Asia Pacific
Dr. Peter Hayes examines the NC3 systems of six nuclear-armed states so analysts and decisionmakers can better understand how these systems work and interact.
U.S. Commitment to Taiwan Under Scrutiny After Afghanistan’s Fall
POLITICO - APLN board member Tong Zhao argues that the U.S.’ future commitment to defending Taiwan is inherently interconnected with Taiwan’s own commitment to defending itself.
Status of Existing and Emerging Asia-Pacific Space Powers Capabilities
A new report by Dr. Namrata Goswami assesses the space power capabilities across the Asia-Pacific and warns of the increasing militarization of space.
[WMD] Status of Existing and Emerging Asia-Pacific Space Powers Capabilities
Dr. Namrata Goswami assesses the space power capabilities across the Asia-Pacific and warns of the increasing militarization of space.
Toward an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Northeast Asia
James Goodby and Markku Heiskanen advocate building a multilateral mechanism to address security challenges in Northeast Asia.
No First Use of Nuclear Weapons: The Promising Asian Dimension
Ambassador Carlo Trezza stresses the importance of No First Use doctrines in light of the recent Biden-Putin summit, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region.
Assessing Emerging Technology Developments and the Impact on Nuclear Weapon Risks
APLN x Jeju Forum Session 5: Panelists assess advances in emerging technologies, how they exacerbate tensions, and increase escalation risks in the Asia Pacific region.
Mitigating Existential Catastrophic Risks: Pandemics, Nuclear Dangers, and Climate Change
APLN x Jeju Forum Session 2: This panel discusses the nexus of security and the pandemic, international scientific cooperation, launching public health security initiatives, and more.