Media Mentions

China’s Space Plane Puts Mysterious Wingmen in Orbit
Asia Times quoted an APLN policy brief titled "Chinese Fractional Orbital Bombardment."

Korean Report Identifies 6 Factors That Are Fueling Conflict In South China Sea
The EurAsian Times covered an APLN-VERTIC report titled "Crisis Avoidance: Preventing Dangerous Maritime Incidents and Unintended Escalation in the Asia-Pacific."

Trust & Verify No. 173, Winter 2023
The latest issue of VERTIC's Trust and Verify features the executive summary of an APLN-VERTIC report on maritime CSBMS.

South China Sea: Philippines risks its Beijing ties with ‘non-starter’ mini code of ...
SCMP covered an APLN-VERTIC report titled "Crisis Avoidance: Preventing Dangerous Maritime Incidents and Unintended Escalation in the Asia-Pacific."

Statement to the Second Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW
Our project on Nuclear Use in Northeast Asia was mentioned in Ms. Hwang Sooyoung's speech at the Second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

Bearer of War: How Asia Views AUKUS
Progressive International quoted an APLN report titled "A Deeper Dive into AUKUS: Risks and Benefits for the Asia-Pacific."

Australia Must Lobby US for ‘No First Use’ of Nuclear Weapons
The Guardian interviewed Gareth Evans, former APLN Chair, and featured an open letter from Australian members of APLN to Prime Minister Albanese.

Asia's Middle Powers Can Help Reduce the Risk of War
An article in Foreign Policy referenced APLN's report, Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific by Bec Strating.

If Nuclear Weapons Were to Be Used ...
NHK covered an APLN-RECNA-Nautilus joint report titled "Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Use in Northeast Asia: Implications for Reducing Nuclear Risk."

What if it Happened? — Simulating Nuclear War
NHK covered an APLN-RECNA-Nautilus joint report titled "Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Use in Northeast Asia: Implications for Reducing Nuclear Risk."