Media Mentions

Helen Clark: No One’s Listening at the Moment
NEWSTALKZB - Helen Clark talks about the APLN Statement on the Ukraine War in a podcast with Heather du Plessis-Allan Drive.

Asia-Pacific leaders warn of nuclear risk as they condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine
THE WASHINGTON POST- Asia-Pacific leaders warn of nuclear risk as they condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine

Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States
Huanqiu News covered an EASLG-ELN-ALN Leadership Groups Call on P5 countries to Jointly Reaffirm: “A Nuclear War Cannot be Won and Must Never be Fought”.

South Korea longs for Trump’s focus as efforts to engage Pyongyang stall
FINANCIAL TIMES - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon was featured in an article by the Financial Times discussing the current Biden Administration in relation to South Korea.

The five-domains update
ASPI - Recent geopolitical developments in the Asia-Pacific in the 'five domains': sea, sky, land, space, and cyber.

China's hypersonic weapon test no cause for panic, experts say
SPACE - 'Either way, this does not change the nuclear balance of terror between Beijing and Washington.'

Researchers analyze consequences of China space weapon test
PHYS - Experts in the military uses of outer space have urged further international dialog following flight tests of a new Chinese hypersonic missile system.

China ‘may be drawn’ into US-Russia nuclear competition
SCMP - The South China Morning Post covered an APLN special report by Dr Luo Xi titled "A Looming Strategic Arms Race in the Asia-Pacific Region: From a Chinese Perspective."

Moon says Korean peninsula can learn from Europe on how to build security and peace
EU REPORTER - Chung-in Moon speaks at a Brussels Press Club event co-hosted with the Korean Cultural Center.

IAEA chief: Aukus could set precedent for pursuit of nuclear submarines
THE GUARDIAN - Special taskforce convened by IAEA to look into Aukus deal as Iran hints at fresh pursuit of its 2018 naval nuclear propulsion program.