Media Mentions
Scholar: North Korea is working to normalize its government
UPI NEWS - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon was featured in UPI News for his remarks examining the recent policy changes by North Korea.
North Korea likely to talk with South Korea before the US: Moon Chung-in
NK NEWS - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon shared his thoughts with NK News regarding the likelihood of Pyongyang returning to the negotiation talks.
Northeast Asia must avoid ‘nuclear domino effect’
ASIA TIMES - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon was featured in the Asia Times for his remarks on the need for a security dialog framework as strategic risks rise in Northeast Asia.
China launches a new offensive to create an image "according to its status"
APLN Board Member Tong Zhao spoke with EFE to discuss China's new initiative to redirect perceptions about its diplomatic policy.
Introducing Nuclear Weapons Not Ideal Against North Korea's Nukes
APLN's international joint seminar "Assessing Northeast Asia Nuclear Domino: North Korean Nuclear Threat and South Korean Responses," was featured in The Korea Times.
Comments from Dmitry Stefanovich
Launches of Kalibr-family cruise missiles from the modernized “Marshall Shaposhnikov” frigate symbolize the long-expected arrival of modern Russian long-range strike capabilities to the Far East.
US and South Korea talks: What was discussed?
Vice Chair of APLN Moon Chung-In explains how US and ROK talks went following a visit from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.
Interview with Professor Moon on US-DPRK Relations
HANKYOREH - “If the human rights issue is put at the forefront, there’s a big risk that negotiations with North Korea will break down."
US should focus on NK nuclear issue, not human rights when it comes to NK
APLN Vice-Chair Chung-in Moon discussed priorities for the United States as it is currently reviewing its North Korea policy.
Perceptions on Nuclear Challenges in South Asia
SIPRI - Dr. Manpreet Sethi describes the critical nuclear challenges impacting South Asia and what measures can be taken to address nuclear risks.