Member Activities
Five Nuclear Issues for Incoming Biden Administration
THE SUNDAY GUARDIAN - The extension of the New START with Russia and the revival of the JCPOA with Iran will need immediate attention.
Biden's Chance to Revive Nuclear Arms Control
ASPI - Tumultuous days may be behind us, with a general sigh of relief worldwide to fill its place.
U.S. and Russian Experts Call for Cooperation To Bolster IAEA Non-Proliferation Efforts
NTI - A new joint report by NTI and CENESS calls for increased cooperation between the United States and Russia to support and uphold the work of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Disarming the Unarmed: Current Reality of Nuclear Ban Treaty
THE SUNDAY GUARDIAN - The entry into force of the TPNW would be in the interest of all states—nuclear and non-nuclear.
Australia Should Show Leadership on the Nuclear Ban Treaty
PEARLS AND IRRITATIONS - If Australia is truly committed to a rules-based order underpinned by international law, Canberra must sign the United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Mobilizing the World Behind the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty
JAPAN TIMES - On Oct. 24, 75 years after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Honduras became the 50th country to ratify the nuclear ban treaty.
Where Will Australia Stand on Banning Weapons of Mass Destruction?
THE INTERPRETER - The issue can no longer be dodged. Nuclear weapons will become illegal under the rules-based order of international law.
The Nuclear Ban Treaty Enters Force: The Dawn of a Nuclear Order
THE BULLETIN - The ban treaty’s inability to eliminate any warheads will be no worse than 50 years of NPT history. But, it will rob all nuclear-armed states of international legitimacy.
"To Reboot Arms Control, Start with Small Steps"
CARNEGIE-TSINGHUA - There are three guiding principles that can help make future arms control dialogues more successful.
The Age of Uncertainty: Reflections on a Post-COVID-19 World Order and the Future of Korea
The COVID-19 crisis has caused unprecedented shocks on human society. The issue here is what influence it will have on the world order.