Member Activities

    Vietnam's Delicate Great-Power Balancing Act

    Vietnam's Delicate Great-Power Balancing Act

    1 Apr 2024 | Rajaram PANDA

    GLOBAL ASIA - APLN member Rajaram Panda argues that Vietnam faces a complex balancing act as it improves ties with Washington but seeks not to irreparably alienate Beijing.

    Nuclear Energy in India’s Energy Mix

    Nuclear Energy in India’s Energy Mix

    31 Mar 2024 | Manpreet SETHI

    CAPS - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi analyses why India is steadfast on its nuclear power programme and compares it with Germany’s decision to phase out nuclear energy. 

    Gaza War: UN Security Council’s Ceasefire Demand Must Not Be Ignored

    Gaza War: UN Security Council’s Ceasefire Demand Must Not Be Ignored

    31 Mar 2024 | C Uday BHASKAR

    SCMP- APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar warns that the ceasefire demand risks becoming a political footnote.

    COC in South China Sea Should Be Concluded Soon

    COC in South China Sea Should Be Concluded Soon

    29 Mar 2024 | Marty NATALEGAWA

    BERNAMA - APLN Chair  Marty Natalegawa emphasised the significance of ASEAN consolidating and bolstering its efforts to attain the coveted Code of Conduct (CoC).

    Taking the Initiative: A Dialogue with Kim Won-Soo

    Taking the Initiative: A Dialogue with Kim Won-Soo

    29 Mar 2024 | KIM Won-soo

    CHINA DAILY - APLN member Kim Won-soo was interviewed by China Daily, where he commented on the three global initiatives proposed by China.

    The Nuclear Umbrella and the Afterlife

    The Nuclear Umbrella and the Afterlife

    26 Mar 2024 | CHEONG Wooksik

    HANKYOREH  - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik points out that when it comes to deterrence against North Korea, there is a need to draw a distinction between “abilities” and “feelings”.

    When Freedom Is Prioritized Over Peace in Korean Reunification

    When Freedom Is Prioritized Over Peace in Korean Reunification

    26 Mar 2024 | Chung-in MOON

    HANKYOREH - APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon writes on how North and South Korea can move toward an amicable and friendly relationship, setting the stage for a peaceful reunification through consensus.

    The Limits of India-US Strategic Partnership

    The Limits of India-US Strategic Partnership

    20 Mar 2024 | Shyam SARAN

    THE TRIBUNE - APLN member Shyam Saran analysed the unusual remarks made by India’s Defence Secretary Giridhar Aramane, which openly solicit US support to assist India.

    Conceptualisation in the IAEA Safeguards System and the Formation of Safeguards Culture

    Conceptualisation in the IAEA Safeguards System and the Formation of Safeguards Culture

    19 Mar 2024 | John CARLSON

    VCDNP - APLN Senior Associate Fellow John Carlson co-authors a paper with Valeri Bytchkov on how the development of IAEA safeguards has been influenced by various concepts that have been applied at ...

    Relations Between Japan and South Korea Are Blossoming

    Relations Between Japan and South Korea Are Blossoming

    18 Mar 2024 | LIM Eunjung

    THE ECONOMIST - APLN member Eunjung Lim highlighted that generational change and shifting geopolitical dynamics are leading to a gradual shift in South Korean attitudes towards Japan.

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