Special Reports
Special reports are original research conducted by APLN experts in order to explore topics with depth and nuance and to inform policy-making.
Confidence and Security Building Measures in Southeast Asia's Maritime Domain
Dr Collin Koh’s report surveys the effectiveness of multilateral CSBMs in the Southeast Asian maritime domain.
Assessing Military and Non-Military Incidents at Sea in the Asia-Pacific
Rebecca (Bec) Strating reviews and analyses incidents involving military and non-military vessels in Asia's maritime domains concentrated on the oceans and seas.
Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific: Examining Australian, British, Japanese, and South ...
A new joint report from APLN and the European Leadership Network compares Australian, Japanese, Korean and UK perceptions of strategic risks in the Asia-Pacific.
Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons Use in Northeast Asia: Implications for Reducing ...
New report simulates the impacts of nuclear weapons use in Northeast Asia and the devastating cost to human life.
Decoupling: A Path of No Return Between China and the United States?
Zha Daojiong explores the complex phenomenon of decoupling between China and the United States through the lens of history, trade-dependence, and technology.
The Pacific’s Nuclear Legacy in the Context of the Climate Crisis
Milla Vaha highlights the severe consequences of atomic testing in the Pacific region and argues for global recognition of both nuclear and climatic existential threats.
Japan and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Nobumasa Akiyama explains how Japan’s security concerns, priorities, and perceptions of strategic risk affect its attitudes to nuclear weapons and the non-proliferation regime.
Australia and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Michael Cohen explains how Australian threat perceptions affect its attitudes towards nuclear weapons and the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
South Korea and Emerging Strategic Risks in the Asia-Pacific
Lee Sang Hyun explains how South Korea's perceptions of strategic risks inform its attitude towards nuclear weapons and the nuclear non-proliferation regime.
The Constructive Role of Scholarship in the China-US Relationship
Jian Junbo draws attention to an important but under-addressed element in US-China relations: the role of scholars.