Special Reports
Special reports are original research conducted by APLN experts in order to explore topics with depth and nuance and to inform policy-making.
Asia-Pacific Perspective on Biological Weapons and Nuclear Deterrence in the Pandemic Era
Richard Pilch and Miles Pomper provide an Asia-Pacific perspective on biological weapons and their relevance to nuclear deterrence in the pandemic era.
COVID-19 Labor Demand, Migration and Force Structure Implications in East Asia
Brian Nichiporuk assesses long-term implications of COVID19 in East Asia, examining impacts on labor markets, mass migration scenarios, and the effect on regional militaries.
Pandemics have occurred throughout human history and appear to be increasing because of viral diseases from animals, with health, economic, gender, social and political impacts.
An Alternative to Nuclear Deadlock and Stalled Diplomacy
Michael Hamel-Green proposes a phased establishment of a regional Northeast Asian NWFZ negotiated in tandem with a regional comprehensive security agreement.
Extended Nuclear Deterrence in a Pandemic World
Allan Behm argues that Trump’s mercurial approach highlights the fiction of extended nuclear deterrence and a COVID-19 world demands a reinvestment in diplomacy by all nations.
Nagasaki’s Voice: 75 years’ Experience
Dr Masao Tomonaga argues that -- as a Hibakusha, a medical professional, and as a citizen of Nagasaki -- more must be done to rid the world of these weapons.
The US Election and Nuclear Order in the Post-Pandemic World
Leon Sigal assesses potential nuclear policy outcomes from the US election and of the nuclear order in the post-pandemic world.
The Impact of a Regional Nuclear Conflict between India and Pakistan: Two Views
G.D. Hess assesses the two major studies on climatic impact of a regional war between India and Pakistan and the different assumptions that lead to the two different conclusions.
Methods for Refining Estimates of Cumulative DRPK Uranium Production
David Von Hippel summarizes the history of what is known about uranium mining in the DPRK and suggests methods for refining the estimates.
Verification of DPRK Nuclear Disarmament
John Carlson discusses a Verification Program for the DPRK Nuclear Disarmament and ROK's participation in it.