
Update on the APLN Secretariat
APLN's administrative capacity with two full-time research fellows and three interns.

Update on APLN Leadership
The fundamental changes in the APLN leadership and administrative structure.

APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Leaders Call for ‘No First Use’ nuclear policy
Former leaders of the Asia-Pacific encourage the U.S. to adopt a “No First Use” nuclear policy and call on Pacific allies to support it.

APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Leaders Call for Immediate Action on Nuclear Disarmament
It is critical that we recapture a sense of urgency about the scale and gravity of the risks posed by the world’s 16,000 remaining nuclear weapons.

APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Leaders Call for Urgent New Moves Against Nuclear Weapons
“Nuclear weapons are not yesterday’s problem but today’s."

In Wake of Ukraine Crisis, European Leadership Group Calls for a New Dialogue
For both the security and economic well-being of our citizens therefore, we urgently need to start a new, continuing and dynamic process of Euro-Atlantic security dialogue to address this situation.

APLN Media Release: Asia Pacific Nuclear Energy Community Statement
Civil nuclear governance requires stronger international transparency, accountability and cooperation. Civil nuclear programs cannot be regarded as a solely national concern.