Member Activities

Revisiting the Two-State System for Peaceful Coexistence on the Korean Peninsula
USIP - APLN member Jun Bong-geun argues that a system mitigating the competition for unification may promote peaceful coexistence between the two Koreas.

2024: Placing Diplomacy and Dialogue Front and Center
THE JAKARTA POST - APLN Chair Marty Natalegawa emphasised that diplomacy and dialogue must be placed front and center, in order to manage and resolve present and future common challenges.

Facing Up to Climate Change-Induced Biosecurity Threats
RSIS - APLN member Mely Caballero-Anthony co-wrote a commentary with Jose Ma. Luis Montesclaros on biosecurity threats arising from climate change-induced zoonotic diseases.

China’s Accelerated Expansion of its Nuclear Arsenal
CHINA POWER PROJECT - APLN member Tong Zhao discussed the expansion of China's nuclear arsenal with Fiona Cunningham.

Changing Security Environment in East Asia and Its Implications on Japan’s Nuclear Policy
J-PAND - APLN Senior Research Adviser Michiru Nishida argued that Japan needs to possess counterstrike capabilities if it wants to reduce the role of nuclear weapons.

The Future of Arms Control Lies in the Nuclear Ban Treaty
ARMS CONTROL TODAY - APLN member Melissa Parke argued that despite some gloomy developments, there is reason for optimism that multilateral arms control has a brighter future.

Rumbles of Thunder and Endangered Peace on the Korean Peninsula
On January 31, APLN Vice Chair Chung-in Moon will give remarks at a program co-hosted by The Korea Society and the National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP).

Aditya-L1 Mission: Another Feat for India’s Space Program
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan wrote on India’s AdityaL1 Mission.

Nuclear Governance in the Asia-Pacific
INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS - APLN member Rabia Akhtar reviewed the volume on "Nuclear governance in the Asia-Pacific" by Mely Caballero-Anthony, Julius Cesar I. Trajano, published by Routledge in 2023.

The Global Nuclear Order is Under Strain
THE HINDU - APLN member Rakesh Sood argued that the global nuclear order needs a convergence among the major powers and the ability to successfully present the outcome as a global public good.