Member Activities

NASA Chief in India: Big Fillip to India-US Space Agenda
THE DIPLOMAT - APLN member Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan argued that there seems to be a near-perfect alignment of the stars for collaboration between the Indian and U.S. space agencies.

Kishore Mahbubani on Kissinger’s Death
BLOOMBERG - APLN member Kishore Mahbubani, former Singaporean Ambassador to the United Nations, spoke with Bloomberg about Henry Kissinger’s death and his contribution to policy in Asia.

Understanding Consequences of Breakdown of Nuclear Deterrence
CENTRE FOR AIR POWER STUDIES - APLN Senior Research Adviser Manpreet Sethi highlighted that the risks of nuclear deterrence breakdown should be part of national and international discussions.

Charting a Roadmap for Multiparty Confidence and Security-Building Measures, Risk ...
PACIFIC FORUM - APLN member and staff Nobumasa Akiyama, Mely Caballero-Anthony, Michiru Nishida, and Karla Mae G. Pabeliña contributed to the Pacific Forum's special edition

“South Korea Going Nuclear?”: debates, driving forces, and prospects
SPRINGER NATURE - APLN Vice Chair Moon Chung-in co-wrote a paper with Young-Deok Shin, arguing that South Korea will face daunting challenges in its quest for independent nuclear capabilities.

Economic Statecraft With American Characteristics
THE INTERPRETER - APLN Senior Research Adviser Van Jackson co-wrote an article with Mark Beeson, arguing that the US keeps pitching economic arrangements in Asia that lack political viability at home.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Global South: Understanding Divergences and ...
THE INTERNATIONAL SPECTATOR - APLN Policy Fellow Tanvi Kulkarni, co-edited a special issue of The International Spectator on the topic ‘Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the Global South.‘

For There to Be No Third War, We Need to Mitigate Crisis on Korean Peninsula
HANKYOREH - APLN member Cheong Wook-Sik called for a creative resurrection of the six-party talks framework, in order to reduce tensions and break through the crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Review Internal Security Challenges
THE TRIBUNE - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar points out that there has been no significant reform in the intelligence domain, 15 years after Mumbai attacks.

Turning the Gaza Ceasefire into a Circuit-Breaker
TODA PEACE INSTITUTE - APLN member Ramesh Thakur wrote on the Israel-Hamas war and argued that Israelis and Palestinians have to somehow draw a line under the past.