Member Activities

    Indonesia: Between Expectations and Navigating a Challenging Future

    Indonesia: Between Expectations and Navigating a Challenging Future

    13 Dec 2023 | Lina ALEXANDRA

    CSCAP - APLN member Lina Alexandra wrote about the three security concerns that Indonesia will have to address in the coming year and summarized three important takeaways for Indonesia.

    Three Months After Biden, It’s Xi’s Turn to Court Vietnam

    Three Months After Biden, It’s Xi’s Turn to Court Vietnam

    12 Dec 2023 | Huong LE THU

    THE NEW YORK TIMES - APLN member Huong Le Thu commented on Vietnam's responses to the US-China competition.

    Malcolm Turnbull in Conversation With Helen Clark

    Malcolm Turnbull in Conversation With Helen Clark

    12 Dec 2023 | Helen CLARK

    On December 11, APLN member Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, hosted a conversation with 29th Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull.

    Engaging With the Global South

    Engaging With the Global South

    11 Dec 2023 | C. Raja MOHAN

    FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan joined Ravi Agrawal to discuss how to reengage with the global south and whether the term is even still relevant today.

    Israel’s Nuclear Assets and Hamas Threat

    Israel’s Nuclear Assets and Hamas Threat

    11 Dec 2023 | C Uday BHASKAR

    THE TRIBUNE - APLN member C. Uday Bhaskar argued that the Gaza experience suggests that there is a case for introducing nuclear-related guardrails and red lines.

    The Blue Pacific’s Organically Progressive Strategic Culture

    The Blue Pacific’s Organically Progressive Strategic Culture

    10 Dec 2023 | Van JACKSON

    SECURITY CONTEXT - APLN member Van Jackson wrote about the "organically progressive strategic culture" in the Pacific region.

    The Third Meeting of the IGEP

    The Third Meeting of the IGEP

    10 Dec 2023 | Marty NATALEGAWA, AKIYAMA Nobumasa, Tanya OGILVIE-WHITE, Manpreet SETHI and Tong ZHAO

    On December 8 and 9, the third meeting of the International Group of Eminent Persons for a World Without Nuclear Weapons (IGEP) took place in Nagasaki.

    Is There Such a Thing as a Global South?

    Is There Such a Thing as a Global South?

    9 Dec 2023 | C. Raja MOHAN

    FOREIGN POLICY - APLN member C. Raja Mohan wrote on the concept of global south.

    Umbrella States in the Asia-Pacific: Deterrence Perspectives

    Umbrella States in the Asia-Pacific: Deterrence Perspectives

    7 Dec 2023 | Chung-in MOON, Marianne HANSON, Cathy MOLONEY, Michiru NISHIDA and Fang LIU

    On December 6 and 7, SIPRI and SNU hosted a joint workshop on Umbrella States in the Asia-Pacific: Deterrence Perspectives. APLN members and staff gave presentations at the workshop.

    U.S.-ROK Cooperation on Civilian Nuclear Energy

    U.S.-ROK Cooperation on Civilian Nuclear Energy

    6 Dec 2023 | HWANG Yong-soo

    NBR - APLN member Yongsoo Hwang argues that the US and the ROK should take advantage of the ROK’s existing robust supply chain for nuclear design, construction, and operation.

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