The Korea Times Column
APLN publishes the APLN-Korea Times column in cooperation with the oldest daily English newspaper in Korea, featuring analysis by APLN network members and experts.

Afghan Withdrawal: Disaster or Blessing in Disguise
Dr. Han argues that US withdrawal from Afghanistan should not be a cause for concern among US allies, but rather an opportunity for the US to refocus its attention on its other alliance commitments.

Missile Controls in East Asia
Tanya Ogilvie-White and Tanvi Kulkarni argue for a robust, collaborative security-building approach to constrain the burgeoning missile race.

Need for Nuclear-Weapon-Free Northeast Asia
Dr. Jargalsaikhan discusses the possibility of a Northeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone through the "3+3 formula" and Mongolia's potential leading role.

NPT's Midlife Crisis
APLN member Rakesh Sood shares a candid evaluation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) since it entered into force 50 years ago.

Youth and Disarmament: Together for a Better Future
South Korea's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Amb. Cho Hyun, calls on the next generation to take part in disarmament discussions.

Iran and NK Nuke Issues
Anton Khlopkov, Director of Center for Energy and Security Studies CENESS, lists out six reasons why the lessons of the JCPOA talks should be applied to future dialogue with North Korea.

Is War Over Taiwan Imminent?
Yun Sun examines the delicate balance of the Taiwan situation and the undesirable position every side has found itself in.

North Korea's Latest Nuclear and Delivery System Development
Yongsoo Hwang examines North Korea's recent nuclear and missile development activities.

Deterrence and Disarmament
APLN Executive Director Shata Shetty explores risk reduction and the importance of bridging the gap between deterrence and disarmament advocates.

Declare No First Use of Nuclear Weapons
APLN member Ramesh Thakur argues in a Korea Times open letter to President Biden that developments over the past five years justify the adoption of "No First Use".