Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Policy
Global treaty regimes underpin international peace and security. APLN analyses developments and offers recommendations to sustain or improve them.

War in Ukraine: Lesson on Why the World Should Ban Nuclear Arms
Kasit Piromya writes on the war in Ukraine and lessons on why the world must ban nuclear weapons, in light of the TPNW first meeting of the states parties.

Expectations for the TPNW
Six experts from Australia, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines, and Japan share their expectations and concerns for the TPNW.

TPNW in a Challenging Security Environment
John Carlson writes on the urgent need for practical steps towards reducing nuclear risks, reducing nuclear weapon numbers, and building confidence.

Grappling with the TPNW: Options for Japan
How can Japan can support the TPNW and close the gap between the Japanese public support of the treaty and political action?

The Limited Nuclear War Hidden Behind the Long Peace
Robert Jacobs highlights the impact that the thousands of nuclear weapons tests had on populations living in the vicinity of testing sites.

The Need for Diversity of Gender Perspectives on Matters of Security and Peace
Manpreet Sethi writes on the need for greater diversity in gender perspectives on matters of security and peace.

Great Power Risk Reduction Measures and Lessons for the Asia-Pacific
Dmitry Stefanovich, Research Fellow at the Center for International Security, introduces the concept of Risk Reduction Measures and explains why they are required.

Not a brief pause, but a turning point
Łukasz Kulesa describes the consequences of the Russian aggression against Ukraine on disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control.

The Legality of Nuclear Weapons
John Carlson discusses the legal aspects of nuclear weapons, focusing on the 1996 advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Three Comments on Ukraine and Nuclear Risks
Ramesh Thakur writes on how the war in Ukraine presents serious challenges to non-proliferation and disarmament.