Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Policy
Global treaty regimes underpin international peace and security. APLN analyses developments and offers recommendations to sustain or improve them.

We Must Act to Reduce Risk of Nuclear War
John Carlson argues that immediate action towards nuclear disarmament is crucial to prevent catastrophic consequences and uphold international law.

Navigating Nuclear Legacies, Climate Change, and Geopolitics in the Pacific Islands
Tanvi Kulkarni and Elaine Natalie highlight the Pacific Islands' struggle with existential threats from nuclear tests, climate change, and geopolitical tensions.

Strengthening a Nuclear-Free Pacific Region
Vijay Naidu argues that the South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty is under threat from the US-China geostrategic competition.

What Should Be Done? Practical Policies to Prevent Nuclear Catastrophe
Van Jackson determines that Northeast Asia is a site of "nuclear precarity" and offers practical policy recommendations for avoiding nuclear escalation.

Nuclear Strategy of the DPRK: Doctrine Evolution and Future Prospects
Anastasia Barannikova analyses the DPRK’s hybrid nuclear weapons strategy and argues that its impressive progress was the result of clear strategic planning and a vision of the role of nuclear ...

Nuclear Threats Under International Law Part II: Applying the Law
Anna Hood and Monique Cormier explore the international legal implications of threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Nuclear Threats Under International Law Part I: The Legal Framework
Anna Hood and Monique Cormier explore the international legal implications of threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Making the "Invisible" Visible: Women and the Anti-Nuclear Resistance in the Pacific ...
Nicole George outlines the often-overlooked role of women in the anti-nuclear movement, particularly when it comes to women in the Pacific Islands.

Keeping Nuclear Memories Alive
Brooke Takala explores the pivotal role of Pacific Islanders in global nuclear disarmament efforts and offers advice to younger generations.

Arms Control Challenges in the Asia-Pacific
Adil Sultan explores the escalating arms race in the Asia-Pacific and highlights the need for innovative regional arms control approaches.