India-Pakistan-China Nuclear Dynamics
Complex dynamics and military tensions between nuclear-armed India, China and Pakistan are a global concern. APLN focuses on improving regional security and preventing nuclear crises.
The Nuclear Chain Binding China, India, and Pakistan in a Tight Embrace
Ramesh Thakur explores the merits of adapting the Open Skies Treaty and the Incidents at Sea Agreement from the North Atlantic to the Asia–Pacific and of universalizing an NFU policy.
COVID-19 Holds Up Mirror to Nuclear Risks
Manpreet Sethi discusses the current state of nuclear weapons issues and pushes for the acceptance of the no first use (NFU) policy by all nuclear armed states.
U.S.-Iran Brinkmanship Threatens Regional Stability, Nuclear Order
Rakesh Sood discusses how the US-Iran brinkmanship not only destabilizes West Asia but also jeopardizes the nuclear nonproliferation order as the JCPOA heads towards an untimely demise.
South Asia and China Regional Meeting 2018
A three-day dialogue on nuclear policy and the prospects for nuclear nonproliferation and disarmament in Colombo, Sri Lanka.
The Ban Treaty and Non-NPT Nuclear-Armed States - Can India Make a Difference?
India may well have the clout to change the narrative among the four nuclear-armed states outside of the NPT.
India’s Nuclear Safety and Security: Policies and Practices
India has developed a robust set of frameworks concerning the safe and legal use of atomic energy, nuclear weapons, and more over the past several decades.
Coping With and Mitigating the Effects of Nuclear Reactor Accidents in Pakistan
The Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) is the new big word in Pakistan's nuclear policies. Opaqueness in the PNRA, however, limits public input--which impedes safety standards.
The Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone: A US Perspective on the Treaty and Its Future
The Southeast Asian Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ)'s stance is to promote regional security and US interests. The future of the treaty remains murky under the Trump administration.
The Nuclear Gyre in South Asia and Beyond
Both the Sino-Indian rivalry and the Indo-Pakistani rivalry have potentially destabilizing effects for South and East Asia. The impasse in all three states continues to expand.
Nuclear Weapon States and the Southeast Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone
New incentives for nuclear weapon states in the Asia-Pacific has Southeast Asian countries eager to ratify disarmament protocol.