India-Pakistan-China Nuclear Dynamics
Complex dynamics and military tensions between nuclear-armed India, China and Pakistan are a global concern. APLN focuses on improving regional security and preventing nuclear crises.
Nuclear Arms Control: A Realistic Global Agenda
Gareth Evans emphasizes the need to re-energize both the nuclear nonproliferation and the nuclear disarmament agenda in a manner that could be embraced by all relevant players.
What Did India Gain Getting the Bomb?
Ramesh Thakur explores how the utility of India's nuclear weapons is questionable on many grounds.
An Asia-Pacific Nuclear Energy Community
John Carlson asserts the need for an intergovernmental Asia-Pacific nuclear energy community to reduce proliferation risk from the growth of nuclear energy programs.
Why Nuclear Weapons Must Be Eliminated
Gareth Evans discusses the humanitarian, strategic, and financial arguments against nuclear weapons.
Nuclear Weapons: The Opportunity Costs
John Page and Ramesh Thakur argue that the economic cost of nuclear weapons far exceeds its claimed benefits.
New Asia Pacific Leadership group to work for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
The launch was announced today of a new group called the 'APLN,' comprising leaders from thirteen countries around the region, including nuclear weapons possessing states.